Recycled Timber Flooring

At Timberzoo, timber often predestined for land fill is reprocessed into a sustainable flooring/lining option. Good for the planet and oh so beautiful!! 160 x 19mm Recycled Messmate flooring - Beautiful wide boards, run to order. 100 x 12mm Recycled Messmate overlay flooring - Boards in a 12mm overlay thickness. Stocks held throughout the year for this popular timber. Timberzoo mills lining boards and floorboards from salvaged hardwood – mostly roof rafters. These timbers have a structural source and they were not graded for appearance as framing timber. When re-milled at Timberzoo, however, boards are selected to include the tonal range of pale to mid-browns. Our floorboards are not supplied end-matched. They are tongue-and-grooved with a secret- nail profile for easy fixing and are fault-docked during production. While end-matching is normal in 19mm flooring, precision-docked boards are preferred for overlay installations. Our conventional production docking is not to this standard, so expect to perform final docking on-site at the time of installation. Recycled Messmate flooring includes natural features - provided they do not represent a weakness to the profile. Appearance is similar to Standard Grade in new forest products. The Shadowline board has a few more natural features and is equivalent to Feature & Better Grade. Both products meet a minimum production standard and out-of-grade boards are docked or discarded. Boards display some attrition features – the marks of age or history. On salvaged rafters, these are mild in character and minor in extent. Occasionally there is a black carbon- stained nail hole, furrow and fine surface checks. On the 160 x 19mm boards there will be more attrition features. Timberzoo has a Quality Assurance approach to producing flooring and lining boards. All production timbers spend a minimum 14 days in-stick and stacked in our fan-forced Drying Shed. Moisture content is monitored throughout the drying phase and the production phase.
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Timberzoo carries FSC® chain of custody certification. Meaning that all of Timberzoo's recycled flooring products come with FSC® certification. It's the re-assurance you want when selecting your flooring.
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Recycled Timber Flooring

At Timberzoo, timber often predestined for land fill is reprocessed into a sustainable flooring/lining option. Good for the planet and oh so beautiful!! 160 x 19mm Recycled Messmate flooring - Beautiful wide boards, run to order. 100 x 12mm Recycled Messmate overlay flooring - Boards in a 12mm overlay thickness. Stocks held throughout the year for this popular timber. Timberzoo mills lining boards and floorboards from salvaged hardwood – mostly roof rafters. These timbers have a structural source and they were not graded for appearance as framing timber. When re-milled at Timberzoo, however, boards are selected to include the tonal range of pale to mid-browns. Our floorboards are not supplied end-matched. They are tongue-and-grooved with a secret-nail profile for easy fixing and are fault-docked during production. While end-matching is normal in 19mm flooring, precision-docked boards are preferred for overlay installations. Our conventional production docking is not to this standard, so expect to perform final docking on-site at the time of installation. Recycled Messmate flooring includes natural features - provided they do not represent a weakness to the profile. Appearance is similar to Standard Grade in new forest products. The Shadowline board has a few more natural features and is equivalent to Feature & Better Grade. Both products meet a minimum production standard and out-of- grade boards are docked or discarded. Boards display some attrition features – the marks of age or history. On salvaged rafters, these are mild in character and minor in extent. Occasionally there is a black carbon-stained nail hole, furrow and fine surface checks. On the 160 x 19mm boards there will be more attrition features. Timberzoo has a Quality Assurance approach to producing flooring and lining boards. All production timbers spend a minimum 14 days in-stick and stacked in our fan-forced Drying Shed. Moisture content is monitored throughout the drying phase and the production phase.
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Timberzoo carries FSC® chain of custody certification. Meaning that all of Timberzoo's recycled flooring products come with FSC® certification. It's the re-assurance you want when selecting your flooring.
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